Three different series. All botanically-based. Scroll down to see them all: Coenosium, Botanical, and Energy Burst
In this series, I re-imagine how plants interact with each other. If they could choose to connect on a conscious level, rather than on instinct. What would they yearn for? How would they relate to one another? What would that interaction look like? Instead of just growing towards the sun, could they gain sustenance by growing towards one another? Do personal connections fulfill an emotional need that all living things have? Or does it already exist and we just don't yet recognize it?
This series includes full-frame, minimal images I've taken while rambling around Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. While the original intent is in creation of works for the Imagined Places series, I sometimes find the results strong enough for these detailed shots to stand alone. As all images are taken with a medium-format (Hasselblad) film camera, I've included the barest edge of the frame to help define and contain them.
Energy Burst
I exhibited this series at Columbia City Gallery for my featured exhibit in 2022. I wanted to explore photography as pop art. I had a few diffused seriously out of focus flower “blobs” that I had been intrigued by, but hadn’t done anything with. I sat on them for several years as ideas percolated in my subconscious. Struggling with a direction for my featured show, I decided to really embrace graphic shapes and colors and continued shooting in p-patches around Seattle way too close to the lens, to get these hot pops of color. The top 3 pieces were the genesis for the grouping. They are all photoencaustic pieces, ranging in size from 9x12” to 30x30”. These are the images before they are printed, mounted to panels, and have wax applied.